Minggu, 17 Juni 2018

Kostenfreier Download Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg

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Kostenfreier Download Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg

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Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg

Kostenfreier Download Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg

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Ja, wenn eine brandneue Veröffentlichung als dieser Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), By Sheryl Sandberg zu prüfen, versuchen, können Sie mit bestimmten Zeit und Ort beginnen. Gebäude Interesse an der Lektüre dieses Buches oder jedes Buch ist nicht erforderlich. Die weichen Dokumente dieser Publikation, die gegeben ist, wird in einem solchen bestimmten Bibliothek gespeichert werden. Wenn Sie wirklich glücklich, es zu überprüfen, folgen Sie einfach der Güte des Lebens. Es wird sicherlich steigern Sie Ihre Qualität des Lebens dennoch die Funktion ist. Um zu sehen, wie Sie Führer erhalten können, wird dies sehr zu empfehlen, um so schnell wie möglich. Sie können verschiedene Zeit des Beginns zu lesen nehmen.

Beim Start der Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), By Sheryl Sandberg bleibt in der richtigen Zeit zu lesen, wird es Ihnen die Analyse Aktionen zur Linderung ermöglichen passieren. Es bleibt die spezifische Analyse Stil in unterziehen. Aber viele Menschen verwirrt und sorglos davon werden konnte. Auch führen Sie die Wahrheit des Lebens wird zeigen; es bedeutet nicht, dass Sie wirklich den Prozess so klar passieren können. Es ist wirklich die hier und jetzt Veröffentlichung zur Verfügung zu stellen, die unter genannten Büchern sein können, zu überprüfen. Also, den Link Bahn mit dem Buchs für Sie heraus zu überprüfen ist wirklich fröhlich.

Sie können sie schnell abschließen auf die Webseite gehen und dann zu schätzen wissen, das Buch zu bekommen. die Soft-Datei dieses Buches zu haben, ist zusätzlich gut genug. Auf diese Weise könnte man sollte das Buch nicht überall bringen. Sie können in einigen geeigneten Werkzeugen sparen. Wenn Sie tatsächlich haben beschlossen, die Überprüfung zu starten Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), By Sheryl Sandberg noch einmal, können Sie es überall und auch jedes Mal starten, wenn gut gemacht.

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg


Praise for Lean In (#1 National Bestseller)  “Honest and brave . . . The new manifesto for women in the workplace.”            —Oprah Winfrey   “Lean In is an inauguration more than a last word, and an occasion for celebration . . . Many, many women, young and old, elite and otherwise, will find it prescriptive, refreshing, and perhaps even revolutionary.”             —Anna Holmes, The New Yorker  “A landmark manifesto . . . Fifty years after The Feminine Mystique . . . Sandberg addresses 21st-century issues that never entered Betty Friedan’s wildest dreams . . . Lean In will be an influential book. It will open the eyes of women who grew up thinking that feminism was ancient history, who recoil at the word but walk heedlessly through the doors it opened. And it will encourage those women to persevere in their professional lives.”             —Janet Maslin, The New York Times   “Lean In poses a set of ambitious challenges to women: to create the lives we want, to be leaders in our work, to be partners in our homes, and to be champions of other women. Sheryl provides pragmatic advice on how women in the twenty-first century can meet these challenges. I hope women—and men—of my generation will read this book to help us build the lives we want to lead and the world we want to live in.”            —Chelsea Clinton “I approached it wearing two hats—one as CEO [and] the other as the parent of a nine-year-old daughter. In both capacities, I feel that Lean In is a must read.”            —Mohamed El-Erian, CEO of PIMCO, in Fortune “Inspirational . . . Sandberg offers concrete suggestions on how to make our work and home life more satisfying and successful.”            —Kare Anderson, Forbes  “What Sandberg offers is a view that shows 20-somethings that choices and tradeoffs surely exist, but that the ‘old normal’ of blunting ambition so that you can fit in one category or another does not have to be the way it is. And that each of us has a say in what comes next. And that includes men.”            —Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, The Atlantic  “Sheryl Sandberg has done a tremendous service with this work. It offers a vital and sharp message, for women and men. We need great leaders in key seats spread throughout all sectors of society, and we simply cannot afford to lose 50 percent of the smartest, most capable people from competing for those seats. Provocative, practical, and inspired!”            —Jim Collins, author of Good to Great “Sandberg recounts her own experiences and dilemmas with great honesty, making it easy for women across cultures and geographies to identify with her. She spells out much that is well known about the problems working women face, but rarely articulated . . . In every word she writes, Sandberg’s authenticity shines through.”            —Shweta Punj, Business Today“Lively, entertaining, urgent, and yes, even courageous . . . Lean In is both a radical read and incredibly accessible . . . While it’s obvious that women have much to gain from reading Sandberg’s book, so do men—perhaps even more so . . . Lean In is the beginning of an important and long-overdue conversation in the United States—but it will only be a national conversation, and one that endures, if men do their part and lean in, too.”            —Michael Cohen, The Guardian   “Grade: A . . . a rallying cry to working women . . . Lean In is the most cogent piece of writing I’ve encountered that speaks to the internal and institutional forces that can trip up an ambitious woman, whether she has a baby on board or not . . . The wisdom she shares here is a gift that all women (and all partners who support them, in the workplace or at home) should give themselves.”            —Meeta Agrawal, Entertainment Weekly  “If you loved Sheryl Sandberg’s incredible TEDTalk on why we have too few women leaders, or simply believe as I do that we need equality in the boardroom, then this book is for you. As Facebook’s COO, Sheryl Sandberg has firsthand experience of why having more women in leadership roles is good for business as well as society. Lean In is essential reading for anyone interested in righting the injustice of this inequality.”            —Sir Richard Branson, chairman, the Virgin Group  “Sandberg’s message matters deeply: it has a shot at bringing about a cultural change that would improve the lives of all women.”           —Judith Warner, TIME “A muscular manifesto on the gender inequities of the professional world . . . Sandberg is making a disruptive, crucial observation that puts her very much in line with Friedan: All is not just in the gendered world, and we should be talking urgently about how to make it better.”           —Rebecca Traister, Los Angeles Times  “No one who reads this book will ever doubt that Sandberg herself has the will to lead, not to mention the requisite commitment, intelligence, and ferocious work ethic . . . Sandberg is not just tough, however. She also comes across as compassionate, funny, honest, and likable . . . Most important, she is willing to draw the curtain aside on her own insecurities . . . Lean In is full of gems, slogans that ambitious women would do well to pin up on their wall . . . I nodded in recognition at so much of what Sandberg recounts, page after page.”            —Anne-Marie Slaughter, The New York Times Book Review (cover review)  “Pivotal . . . It’s probably not an overstatement to say Sandberg is embarking on the most ambitious mission to reboot feminism and reframe discussions of gender since the launch of Ms. magazine in 1971. The thing is, she’s in a pretty good position to pull it off.”            —Belinda Luscombe, TIME “Important . . . This is a great moment for all of us—women and men—to acknowledge that the current male-dominated model of success isn’t working for women, and it’s not working for men, either . . . The world needs women to redefine success beyond money and power. We need a third metric, based on our well-being, our health, our ability to unplug and recharge and renew ourselves, and to find joy in both our job and the rest of our life.”             —Arianna Huffington, Forbes “I’ll bet most [women] will be thrilled by Lean In. I suspect at least a few men will read this book and think, Oh no, they’re starting to catch on.”            —Michael Lewis, Vanity Fair “A lucidly written, well-argued, and unabashedly feminist take on women and work, replete with examples from the author’s life.”            —Julia Klein, USA Today  “Having read Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, I can testify that it addresses internalized oppression, opposes the external barriers that create it, and urges women to support each other to fight both. It argues not only for women’s equality in the workplace, but men’s equality in home-care and child-rearing. Even its critics are making a deep if inadvertent point: Only in women is success viewed as a barrier to giving advice.”            —Gloria Steinem  “Lean In has plenty for feminists and all women to applaud—and learn from . . . I’m glad Sandberg is speaking out. I’m glad she’s using her platform to help give women the tools to succeed, and to encourage all of us to go out and get what we want. The real strength of Lean In is in its Rosie the Riveter 2.0 message: ‘You can do it! Here’s how.’ . . . A crucial call to action.”            —Jill Filipovic, The Guardian  “A call to live fearlessly . . . Lean In is a memoir, a self-help book, a career management guide, and a feminist manifesto . . . Let’s hope this is a book that is read as much as talked about.”             —Marion Winik, Newsday “Equality is a project everybody must work on together. For too long, achieving equality has been seen as women’s burden . . . By knowing this story, men will become more sophisticated thinkers and actors when it comes to gender . . . Lean In contains a whole lot for men to think seriously about . . . Men just need to read it.”            —Patrick Thibodeau, CIO Magazine   “Unapologetic . . . Sandberg is using her power and influence to try and improve the world . . . Sandberg’s most powerful rhetorical device in the book is a saturation of stats that are sometimes shocking and sometimes reverberating—but always the kind that make you reevaluate what’s going on around us.”             —Nicholas Carlson, Business Insider  “Sandberg’s voice is modest, humorous, warm, and enthusiastic . . . You don’t have to be climbing the corporate ladder—or, as Sandberg would call it, the jungle gym—to find her message useful. Don’t marry a man who isn’t egalitarian? Good plan! Be more confident? Excellent advice . . . I’m buying a copy of Lean In for my daughter and one for my stepdaughter, too.”            —Katha Pollitt, The Nation “Nuanced, persuasive, and brave . . . All of us—women and men alike—who care about creating a more equitable America ought to take her message to heart.”             —Jane Eisner, The Forward “After reading Lean In and listening to Sheryl, I realize that, while I believe I am relatively enlightened, I have not consistently walked the talk . . . I believe we—together—need to drive a fundamental culture change and it is up to us as leaders to make this change happen. What we have been doing hasn’t worked, and it is time to adjust . . . We have an opportunity to make a tremendous difference, and in so doing benefit our people, out culture, our company, and, just maybe, the world.”             —John Chambers, CEO, Cisco “Tremendously relevant . . . necessary . . . Lean In is more about being bold than it is about being female . . . Sandberg can reach beyond boundaries of age, success level, and gender to include all of those who have the privilege of playing on the jungle gym of corporations, academia, and government.”            —Sharon Poczter, Forbes        “A rallying cry for both genders to continue the hard work of previous generations toward a more equitable division of voice, power, and leadership . . . Told with candor and filled with a mix of anecdote and annotated fact, Lean In inspires women to find their passion, pursue it with gusto, and ‘lean in’ to leadership roles in the workplace and the world.”            —Linda Stankard, BookPage “I plan to buy Lean In for our three grown daughters and daughter-in-law . . . In our family, and in families across the country, may the conversations begin.”            —Connie Schultz, Washington Post “I’m guessing that the average boardroom doesn’t have much better gender equality than a team of cave hunters attacking a woolly mammoth 30,000 years ago. So what gives? A provocative answer comes from Sheryl Sandberg, who has written a smart book that attributes the gender gap, in part, to chauvinism and corporate obstacles—but also, in part, to women who don’t aggressively pursue opportunities . . . there is something real and important in what she says.”           —Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times  “Giving women the tools and skills they need to take themselves and society—worldwide—to the next level.”           —Leslie L. Kossoff, Technorati.com “Compelling . . . Sandberg writes with sophistication and thoughtful reflection . . . a book that has a powerful message but that is also full of personal vulnerability and first-hand anecdotes, packed with statistics and footnoted studies that back her points.”            —Susan Adams, Forbes  “Her ideas are reasonable, thoughtful—and necessary.”           —Michelle Goldberg, The Daily Beast “When was the last time anybody talked this much about a women’s place in the world, period? Sandberg’s Lean In is opening up the dialogue—and, in true Silicon Valley fashion, she’s made it scalable . . . It’s put words to what we’d long felt but couldn’t quite articulate; the insecurities, the self-doubt, the fear that causes us to keep our hands down. Because, whether we’d recognized it or not, each of us . . . had been grappling with precisely what Sandberg aims to conquer . . . She’s also managed to bridge a gap that has mystified many an activist before her: reaching women who both self-identify as feminists, and those who don’t.”           —Jessica Bennett, NYMag.com  “This is a book every young woman needs . . . I see her as an inspiration.”           —Colleen Leahey, Fortune “A lucidly written, well-argued and unabashedly feminist take on women and work, replete with examples from the author’s life. It draws on the ideas of no less an icon than Gloria Steinem, a Sandberg friend, and on recent research highlighting the double binds women face as they negotiate the corridors of power.”           —Julia M. Klein, USA Today “To get a sense of how I reacted to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s new book, look no further than the stars and exclamation points that fill the margins of my review copy . . . Among its merits is the way Sandberg doesn’t shy away from describing her own struggles to take risks at work, to ask for what she wants, to negotiate, to find an equal partner.”           —Alexandra Chang, Wired “Sheryl provides practical suggestions for managing and overcoming the challenges that arise on the ‘jungle gym’ of career advancement. I nodded my head in agreement and laughed out loud as I read these pages. Lean In is a superb, witty, candid, and meaningful read for women (and men) of all generations.”             —Condoleezza Rice, former U.S. secretary of state “To tackle society’s most pressing problems we need to unleash the leadership of both women and men. Lean In shows us the path and is an absolutely invaluable resource for the next generation of leaders and those who support them.”            —Wendy Kopp, founder and CEO, Teach for America “For the past five years, I’ve sat at a desk next to Sheryl and I’ve learned something from her almost every day. She has a remarkable intelligence that can cut through complex processes and find solutions to the hardest problems. Lean In combines Sheryl’s ability to synthesize information with her understanding of how to get the best out of people. The book is smart and honest and funny. Her words will help all readers—especially men—to become better and more effective leaders.”            —Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO, Facebook “Sheryl is a unique business leader because of her versatility and breadth. She has the two traits that are common in every successful leader I have known: curiosity and determination. Sheryl brings all of her insight to Lean In, an important new book that companies can use to get the most out of their talent. With her ideas and actions, Sheryl will help to define leadership in the years to come.”            —Jeff Immelt, CEO, General Electric “The key to opening some of life’s most difficult doors is already in our hands. Sheryl’s book reminds us that we can reach within ourselves to achieve greatness.”             —Alicia Keys

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

SHERYL SANDBERG is chief operating officer at Facebook, overseeing the firm's business operations. Prior to Facebook, Sheryl was vice president of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google, chief of staff for the United States Treasury Department under President Clinton, a management consultant with McKinsey & Company, and an economist with the World Bank. Sheryl received a BA summa cum laude from Harvard University and an MBA with highest distinction from Harvard Business School. Sheryl is the co-author of Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy with Wharton professor and bestselling author Adam Grant. She is also the author of the bestsellers Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead and Lean In for Graduates. She is the founder of the Sheryl Sandberg & Dave Goldberg Family Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works to build a more equal and resilient world through two key initiatives, LeanIn.Org and OptionB.Org. Sheryl serves on the boards of Facebook, the Walt Disney Company, Women for Women International, ONE, and SurveyMonkey.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 240 Seiten

Verlag: Knopf (11. März 2013)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0385349947

ISBN-13: 978-0385349949

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,3 x 2,6 x 24,3 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.4 von 5 Sternen

83 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 11.152 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Positiv:- sehr hilfreich beim Einstieg in den Beruf oder bei neuen Karriereschritten- interssante Themen, die ein neues Licht auf Frau+Beruf werfen- witzig geschrieben, immer mit einem AugenzwinkernNegativ:- Das Buch zieht sich irgendwann sehr in die Länge, da zwar thematisch geordnet, aber unstrukturiert Anekdoten aneinandergereit werden.- Man kauft Sheryl Sandberg nicht wirklich ab, dass sie neben einer 70h-Woche noch so ein Buch schreibt...Fazit: Es reicht auch zusammenfassend ihren Speech bei ted.com anzuschauen! ;-)

It's an absolutely interesting book for women trying to grow their career and generally "Lean In" in every area of life. The author used very practical and relatable experiences and also backed up her points with data and statistics which made it even more authentic. The blend of personal career experiences and that of family friends and colleagues made it resonate in a deep way to me. After reading I had to deeply reflect about my career choices and offcourse make a number of mental shifts so I can make better choices in the future should the opportunities present themselves. Highly recommended! I hope to meet the author sometime in the future!

As a young "promising" woman in technology, i came accross this book, when I needed it the most. Feeling judged and misunderstood and besieged by opinions of others, this book gave me confidence that I'm on the right way. That I'm not alone. And that the fight worth it, for me and for the next genetations.

An incredible book that truly captivated my ideas, struggles, and experiences working in the Army and male dominated careers my whole life. Sheryl offers incredible advice and insight to issues females face everyday in the work place and ways to handle it with class and ease. All women should read this book and I would hope that men would too in order to gain some insight into what their counterparts go through. Loved this book!!!

I did not expect to like this book. I have read so many books on the theme of Women on Boards, mentoring, women leadership shortages et al. and of course the author is a well known, high profile figure. I had not expected to feel so passionate about Lean In. It reads very well, from the beginning it feels authentic and realistic. By the end of the day ( I could not stop reading) the recurring inner voice was, I know just how that feels, yes I felt that way too. Honest, open and lively this gem inspires one to set up a circle right then and there. I do not live in an American culture so was gladdened that the insights translate to other cultures, age groups and situations. Well done Ms Sandberg! a bold next step and an excellent time to ask us all to Lean In.

Sheryl Sandbergs Buch sollte jede Frau (und jeder Mann) gelesen haben.Es ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht und ein Weckruf. Viele der Dinge, die Sandberg beschreibt, hat mit Sicherheit jede Frau schon einmal gemacht - bewusst oder unbewusst.Sie gibt viele tolle Tipps, die ich mir auf jeden Fall zu Herzen nehmen werde.Auf jeden Fall ein Must-Read!

Der Inhalt des Buchs mag gut und inspirierend sein (ich habe es als eBook). Allerdings kauffte ich es nochmal als Geschenk und konnte es nicht verwenden, da die Seiten unsauber abgeschnitten wurden und das Buch sehr billig aussah. Wirklich schade und einfach Geldverschwendung.

Sheryl Sandberg condenses the ideas and struggles that working-- or professional--women face today. Although it is geared very much to the corporate and government worlds, the book remains relevant for women who are working outside those worlds and are perhaps not even interested in top leadership positions. Any young woman entering the working world should read this to understand some of the forces working to our disadvantage---some external and some internal-- that it takes years to recognize. As someone approximately Sandberg's age, I found it interesting to reflect on my own working life. She quotes many studies and is meticulous in documenting her sources of information and understanding their context. She also goes to great length to emphasize that every woman's decisions are her own to make and there is no "one correct way" to go about having a successful career.

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg PDF
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg EPub
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg Doc
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg iBooks
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Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg Mobipocket
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg Kindle

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg PDF

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg PDF

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg PDF
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Rauer Buchschnitt), by Sheryl Sandberg PDF

Posted By yura huantisJuni 17, 2018

Senin, 04 Juni 2018

Download PDF Dreams, by Olive Schreiner

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Download PDF Dreams, by Olive Schreiner

Zufrieden Urlaub! In diesem Urlaub, genau das, was Sie tun, um die Freizeit zu treffen? Haben Sie ein paar Ausflüge und Ferien wählen? Nun, haben Sie einige Bücher haben zu lesen, Sie zu begleiten, wenn Fluchten mit? Viele Menschen glauben, dass es kein solches Buch zu bringen, während Fluchten mit. Aber, glauben viele zusätzlich immer wieder, dass die Überprüfung Publikationen kommen ein Freund in jedem Szenario zu sein. So werden wir ständig zu bieten versuchen, Dreams, By Olive Schreiner als eine der Analyse Materialien, die Sie in jeder Art von Szenarien zu unterstützen und zu begleiten.

Dreams, by Olive Schreiner

Dreams, by Olive Schreiner

Dreams, by Olive Schreiner

Download PDF Dreams, by Olive Schreiner

Der Erfolg lässt sich durch Verfahren gestartet werden. Unter den Prozessen, die sehr unmittelbar und entscheidend sind, ist durch Bücher heraus überprüfen. Warum lesen sollte? Lesen wird man die einfachsten Methoden, um das Know-how zu erreichen, um das Experiment zu verbessern und auch die Motivationen frei zu erhalten. Anleitung, die lesen müssen, sind zusätzlich zahlreiche. Allerdings wird es sicherlich von den Situationen ab, die sich auf Sie beziehen.

Doch wenn eine Veröffentlichung unglaublich beliebt ist, wird es schnell gehen. Es ist nur eine der Fragen, die Sie brauchen, darüber nachzudenken. Nach vielen Bereiche geht, dieses Buch zu bekommen, wird es nicht garantieren Sie, es zu finden. Oft werden Sie feststellen, es nicht in einigen Racks. So wird es viel besser für Sie das Buch in diesem Bereich zu erhalten. Durch die nur auf den Link klicken und das Buch umgehend finden, könnten Sie warten und beginnen heraus zu überprüfen. Dies ist, was Sie wirklich so glücklich fühlen können, um besser zu verdienen für die zertifizierte Quelle Erhalt zu überprüfen.

Dreams, By Olive Schreiner, dass wir in dieser Internet-Seite beraten hat große Menge mit der Präsentation bessere Person zu machen. In diesem Bereich können Sie genau sehen, wie die Sichtbarkeit dieser Publikation wirklich wichtig. Sie können viel besser Buch nehmen, Sie zu begleiten. Wenn Sie Führung benötigen, können Sie es leicht nehmen. Diese Publikation wird sicherlich zeigt eine neue Erfahrung mehr über die Zukunft zu erkennen. Auch ist das Buch wirklich groß; Sie wird sicherlich nicht wirklich hart fühlen, das Material zu schätzen

Ja, der Inhalt dieses Buchs kommt mit sehr einfachen Worten, sehr einfachen Sprache-Design, sowie einfache Empfindung zu erkennen. Wenn Sie dies empfohlen Veröffentlichung gefunden haben, zu überprüfen, ist zu tun, nur um es in der Verbindung zu prüfen und es auch bekommen. Sie müssen sofort beginnen, denn es gibt auch viele Menschen sind, die erhalten und gelesen haben auch Dreams, By Olive Schreiner Also, werden Sie nicht zurück gelassen werden noch mehr zu dieser Publikation Inhalt kennen.

Dreams, by Olive Schreiner


Taschenbuch: 76 Seiten

Verlag: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (26. September 2015)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1517533945

ISBN-13: 978-1517533946

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,2 x 0,5 x 22,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

1 Kundenrezension

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 22.952 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Ein sehr dünnes Buch, nur 76 Seiten, aber es hat es in sich. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ein Buch, das 1890 (!) verfasst worden ist, mich so mitreissen würde. Aber das tut es.Die Autorin ist Olive Schreiner, das 9. von 12 Kindern eines deutschen Auswanderers. Sie wuchs in Südafrika auf. Durch ihre Bücher, die die Ausbeutung der Schwarzen und die Ungleichberechtigung der Frauen aufzeigen, hat sie wesentlich dazu beigetragen, dass wir heute alle in Frieden und Freiheit leben können.Sie hat die Frauenrechtsbewegung in England stark beeinflusst. Ihr Buch "Dreams" kommt deshalb auch im Film "Suffragette" (2015) vor, in dem die Hauptdarstellerin dieses Buch wie einen Schatz aufbewahrt und immer wieder darin liest, um den Mut nicht zu verlieren.Nun zum Inhalt."Dreams" besteht aus einer Reihe von Kurzgeschichten oder Träumen/Visionen der Autorin, die sie in wunderschönen Worten niederschreibt als wären sie Märchen oder Sagen. Schreiner träumt von einer freien, gleichberechtigten Gesellschaft, in der sich Mann und Frau ebenbürtig gegenüberstehen und frei von Angst und Unterdrückung leben. Schreiner hat unsere heutige Gesellschaft in Visionen vorhergesehen und macht mit ihren Kurzgeschichten allen Lesern Mut, das zu tun, was richtig ist, um gesellschaftlichen Wandel zu bewirken.

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Dreams, by Olive Schreiner PDF

Dreams, by Olive Schreiner PDF

Dreams, by Olive Schreiner PDF
Dreams, by Olive Schreiner PDF

Posted By yura huantisJuni 04, 2018